Thursday, June 2, 2011

securepoint (shortest way to success)

My Dear Friend, 

My Dear Friend,

I'm often asked "What are the Secrets for Success? How do you make things happen?" In a nutshell, here's how I see it: Along with the right attitude, belief, and initiative, commitment, action and hard work are all part of anyone's success. Ask any successful person you know if the journey was easy. Most will be honest and tell you no. Was it worth everything they had to go through? I'll bet yes, if it was a passion they followed.
Everything starts with a dream, an idea and then moves into the reality stage. First you have to believe that what you want IS possible. See it as if it has already happened and is part of your life. Hold that vision and then do something to bring it into reality. That "something" is called Action.

Action can be the hardest part. You have to move yourself out of a comfort zone to a place that isn't very comfortable at all.

Will your goal be easy to attain? Probably not. I know from my own experience that anything I have ever wanted in life, took a serious commitment on my part, a plan, action and a lot of hard work to see it through. Take each piece, one at a time and complete it. Move on to the next one. Soon you will have mastered many of the tasks you found so hard to do initially. Congratulate yourself on your movement. Be strong! Don't listen to those who want to impede your progress. Do it for you!

So the next time you want to do something different in your life, take the plunge! Be bold, make a commitment, take action, keep doing something everyday to move your dream forward into reality. Anyone can do this, anywhere, anytime.

Everything is possible; just ask me, I know!

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