Monday, October 1, 2018

Change is inevitable

आज से 5 या 10 साल पहले ऐसी कोई ऐसी जगह नहीं होती थी जहां PCO न हो। फिर जब सब की जेब में मोबाइल फोन आ गया, तो PCO बंद होने लगे.. फिर उन सब PCO वालों ने फोन का recharge बेचना शुरू कर दिया।अब तो रिचार्ज भी ऑन लाइन होने लगा है।

आपने कभी ध्यान दिया है..?

आजकल बाज़ार में हर तीसरी दूकान आजकल मोबाइल फोन की है।
sale, service, recharge , accessories, repair, maintenance की।

अब सब Paytm से हो जाता है.. अब तो लोग रेल का टिकट भी अपने फोन से ही बुक कराने लगे हैं.. अब पैसे का लेनदेन भी बदल रहा है.. Currency Note की जगह पहले Plastic Money ने ली और अब Digital हो गया है लेनदेन।

दुनिया बहुत तेज़ी से बदल रही है.. आँख कान नाक खुले रखिये वरना आप पीछे छूट जायेंगे..।

1998 में Kodak में 1,70,000 कर्मचारी काम करते थे और वो दुनिया का 85% फ़ोटो पेपर बेचते थे..चंद सालों में ही Digital photography ने उनको बाज़ार से बाहर कर दिया.. Kodak दिवालिया हो गयी और उनके सब कर्मचारी सड़क पे आ गए।

आपको अंदाजा है कि आने वाले 10 सालों में दुनिया पूरी तरह बदल जायेगी और आज चलने वाले 70 से 90% उद्योग बंद हो जायेंगे।

चौथी औद्योगिक क्रान्ति में आपका स्वागत है...

Uber सिर्फ एक software है। उनकी अपनी खुद की एक भी Car नहीं इसके बावजूद वो दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी Taxi Company है।

Airbnb दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी Hotel Company है, जब कि उनके पास अपना खुद का एक भी होटल नहीं है।

US में अब युवा वकीलों के लिए कोई काम नहीं बचा है, क्यों कि IBM Watson नामक Software पल भर में ज़्यादा बेहतर Legal Advice दे देता है। अगले 10 साल में US के 90% वकील बेरोजगार हो जायेंगे... जो 10% बचेंगे... वो Super Specialists होंगे।

Watson नामक Software मनुष्य की तुलना में Cancer का Diagnosis 4 गुना ज़्यादा Accuracy से करता है। 2030 तक Computer मनुष्य से ज़्यादा Intelligent हो जाएगा।

2018 तक Driverless Cars सड़कों पे उतरने लगेंगी। 2020 तक ये एक अकेला आविष्कार पूरी दुनिया को बदलने की शुरुआत कर देगा।

अगले 10 सालों में दुनिया भर की सड़कों से 90% cars गायब हो जायेंगी... जो बचेंगी वो या तो Electric Cars होंगी या फिर Hybrid...सडकें खाली होंगी,Petrol की खपत 90% घट जायेगी,सारे अरब देश दिवालिया हो जायेंगे।

आप Uber जैसे एक Software से Car मंगाएंगे और कुछ ही क्षणों में एक Driverless कार आपके दरवाज़े पे खड़ी होगी...उसे यदि आप किसी के साथ शेयर कर लेंगे तो वो ride आपकी Bike से भी सस्ती पड़ेगी।

Cars के Driverless होने के कारण 99% Accidents होने बंद हो जायेंगे.. इस से Car Insurance नामक धन्धा बंद हो जाएगा।

ड्राईवर जैसा कोई रोज़गार धरती पे नहीं बचेगा।जब शहरों और सड़कों से 90% Cars गायब हो जायेंगी, तो Traffic और Parking जैसी समस्याएं स्वतः समाप्त हो जायेंगी...क्योंकि एक कार आज की 20 Cars के बराबर होगी।

*समय के साथ बदलने की तैयारी करो।*

HMT *(घडी)*
BAJAJ *(स्कूटर)*
DYNORA *(टीवी)*
MURPHY *(रेडियो)*
NOKIA *(मोबाइल)*
RAJDOOT *(बाईक)*
AMBASDOR *( कार)*

👉 मित्रों..इन सभी की गुणवक्ता में कोई कमी नहीं थी फिर भी बाजार से बाहर हो गए.!!
*समयके साथ बदलाव*
*नहीं किया.!!*

व्यक्तिको समयानुसार अपने व्यापार एवं अपने
*स्वभावमें भी बदलाव*
करते रहना चाहिएँ.!!
👉 *Update & Upgrade*
*Time to Time.!!*
समयके साथ चलिये और सफल रहीये.
*Wishing you a happy and healthy life ahead. *
Crypto currency and Blockchain technology is the future..
I am proud to be part of the revolution..
To know more about

Monday, July 30, 2018

Why poor are poor

A great man once said "if you take all the money in the world and distribute them equally among people. 
after a while all the money will go back to their original owners". Why?

The poor are
mainly consumers and the rich are mainly investors.

Show me a POOR man and I'll show you a man who

P - Passes
O - Over
O - Opportunities
R - Repeatedly.

A man who sees challenges in every opportunity instead of seeing opportunity in every challenge.

Being a MAN is not a title, it's a responsibility. It means you have to answer financially in the
M - Morning
A - Afternoon and
N - Night.

You must take great risks to receive greater rewards.

You must plan and strategize, you must value profit not wages, you must be focused and you must be determined if you want good success.

Last but not least, You must involve God.

*"The worst people on earth to serve are the POOR PEOPLE"*

POOR:  *meaning*  "Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly"

*See the reasons below:*

1)Give them for free, they will think it is a trap.

2)Tell them it's a small investment, they will say you can't earn much.

3)Tell them to come in BIG, they will say "I don't have any money".

4)Tell them to try new things, they will say "no experience; has it been proven to work? Who has gained from it before?".

5)Tell them it's a traditional business, they'll say "it's too HARD to do".

6)Tell them it is a new business model, they will say "I don't do network marketing and how many years has this business model been existing?".

7)Tell them to run a shop, they will say "I will be tied down, I'll have no freedom".

8)Tell them to follow a 1-year business plan, they will say "it's too long. Please, I can't wait for so long".

9)Ask them what can they do? They will say "I can do ANYTHING".

10)They like to ask friends who are as hopeless as themselves to get their opinions. Even the Holy Book acknowledges the fact that blind people don't lead blind people.

11) They think more than a University Professor and do less than a blind man.

Penny wise, Pound foolish.

One major challenge POOR people have is "LACK OF ACTION!"

They enjoy their comfort zone, dwelling and swimming in their "own type of knowledge".

Anything beyond their reason "can't work, and therefore it is fraudulent"

Remember: It's RISKY to take a RISK, but it's even RISKIER not to take any risk at all.


*Learn to try out new things*

*The world is not ruled only by prayer warriors but by mental warriors.*

Thinking is the highest paying job in every field.

Make time to think  CREATIVELY & POSITIVELY...

Best opportunity..

Friday, July 20, 2018

Power of technology

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Block chain

Blockchain has generated significant excitement in the Travel and Hotel Industry now these days. This technology has been heralded by many and is certain to revolutionize various industries, what impact will it have on the Travel Industry?

Blockchain, which functions as an online ledger, harnesses the potential to make the travel process faster, simpler and more secure. Its wide range of applications, and decentralized nature, challenges the traditional set-up in exchange for greater stability and security which serves to benefit all key players in the travel process.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is an online decentralized database. It stores, records and maintains transactions between entities across a peer-to-peer network.

The fundamental feature of Blockchain – decentralized data, ensures that transactions flow only between the participating entities, which negate the need for third party involvement.

The decentralized nature of Blockchain means that data can neither be erased nor manipulated. This translates to more secure, permanent, traceable and transparent data –in turn, decreased dependence on intermediaries. This means Blockchain has the potential to protect transactions against fraud, and malicious cyber-attacks.

Decentralized Distribution

The Travel Industry is currently dominated by a handful of companies that serve as umbrellas to numerous affiliates. In essence, when a traveler is on the look-out for competitive prices, he/she is nearly always comparing prices between two parent companies. This is where a public Blockchain domain can decentralize the existing set-up; provide greater involvement from suppliers and a personalized distribution process. But first, what is public Blockchain? A public Blockchain is an open network where anyone can join and participate.

Decentralized Transactions

In the current scenario, money travels from one point to another and then yet another when a flight ticket is purchased. This extensive set-up results in the loss of time and resources. In addition, surcharges and fees are levied that prove to be costly to all parties involved in the booking process. TLC (Travelcoin)has proposed its own  currency – TLC Coin, as the remedy to the transaction woes that the Travel Industry has been experiencing. Built on Blockchain technology, TLC Coin, a digital universal crypto coin for all airline transactions, would not only increase the speed of transaction, ensure transparency, and do away with surcharges; it could also be used for universal loyalty programs. This would provide travelers with the opportunity to avail loyalty programs such as frequent flyer miles irrespective of which airline they might be flying. TLC provides a detailed plan on how it intends on taking the TLC Coin further,
TLC have a clear road map of their projects
For more information refer.

Decentralized Data Exchange

Data security has been a recurring issue in the present world. The recent privacy breach by Facebook and Cambridge Analytica stands to prove how real this concern is. This ongoing threat to personal data has brought data security to the forefront in the Travel Industry. Blockchain’s encryption capabilities, decentralized nature, and the fact that data is distributed across millions of computers and networks make hacking a challenging task.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that allows digital information to be distributed but not copied or altered.

4 possible ways how Blockchain will warp the travel industry:

1. Identity - The technology will provide customers a means of proving their identity without having to fear identity theft and data manipulation.

2. Settlement - This will push out the intermediaries and enable customers to pay directly to the suppliers.

3. The technology is built in such a way that the network, rather than a third party, validates every transaction made.

4. Traveller Profile - The technology also has full potential to improve customer experience by assessing visitor behaviour, rewarding loyalty points, and streamlining processes to make flight journey a pleasant experience.

Online Flight Booking in Dubai

Written by
Kishorsinh Dodia

Online Business Mytravelbiz