Wednesday, January 30, 2013


What you passionately and purposefully seek to have, you will
have. What you passionately and purposefully seek to avoid,
you will also have.

When you intensely focus your energy upon anything, that
thing grows more real and influential in your life. That
holds true whether it is something you strongly desire or
something you strongly detest.

If you put your effort into fighting against something, you
end up giving more strength and consequence to whatever
you're fighting against. Instead, find a desirable
alternative and put your energy into working toward that

What you hold most firmly and consistently in your mind, you
create and become. So keep your thoughts focused on moving
toward the desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling things.

The most effective way to move away from what you don't want
is to actively move toward what you do want. Rather than
defining your life by what you oppose, challenge yourself to
develop positive goals that you can enthusiastically embrace
and follow.

Your life naturally and persistently flows in the direction
where your attention is focused. So choose to focus on the
best you can imagine.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Smart Multi-level Marketing Tips You Can Use Today Written by Kenny Gregg

TIP! Be patient if you’re just starting this business. A lot of new people tend to get discouraged to early.
Network marketing is no different from most other fields of business: Your success relies on the education and preparation you receive. This advice can help you spread your message through MLM.
TIP! Make sure you have tried the products out yourself. Rather than simply marketing items for a network marketing company, use the products so you can speak about them confidently.
Before getting into MLM think about what you hope to achieve. Is multi-level marketing a hobby for you? Being clear about intentions and having visible effort can make you successful.
TIP! It is natural to want to talk about ourselves. Take advantage of this, and give your customers the opportunity to tell you about their lives.
Consult digital resources like online discussion boards and forums for advice and insight into network marketing. In online forums, you can find people that are totally willing to give expert advice to help you learn about multilevel marketing. Don’t forget to use these forums to reach out to other professionals in your niche, as well.
TIP! Watch your body language when speaking to a lead; nodding is good, and shaking your head is negative. You need positive body language, just like positive everything else.
When you are multilevel marketing, never take shortcuts, as this can lead to mistakes that cost you big. While it may seem tempting to take the shorter path, the only way you will be successful in a marketing campaign is through determination and perseverance. Be patient and do quality work and you will see the pay-off in terms of bigger profits.
TIP! Keep your ears open to learn from the many internet marketers who are willing and eager to share their internet marketing experiences with you. A great way you can do this is by listening to podcasts.
Do a personal evaluation of each product before you pitch it to others. You might well find perks that you did not know about prior to buying stock. If you find that you dislike the products, consider whether you can in good faith associate with this particular company. While you may earn money selling the product, a reputation for poor quality may ultimately destroy a company.
TIP! Use any opportunity to you can to expose your product to your target market. Everyone makes their own decisions, but they still must have options and alternatives from which to choose.
Copy successful strategies. Look to the organization’s leaders for inspiration and motivation. Emulate the things that you find are contributing to their success. Imitating them can help you get to the top. Just as you would examine the mistakes you have made, you should also study what others have done successfully.
TIP! For effective marketing, you have to allow value to have precedence over everything else. You should always be clear on what the value of your offer is.
Join and participate in online forums for succeeding with network marketing. These multilevel marketing forums are great places to get tips on marketing at no cost. Do a quick search online, and scroll through until you find a forum you like. To find useful tips, read a few posts each day and ask any questions you have.
TIP! When meeting with someone you have met through network marketing, keep the meeting to no more than 45 minutes. Be prepared, informed and confident for meetings.
It is crucial to have an email database that is constantly being used and updated if you want to do well at MLM. You can purchase email lists or make your own from submissions and comments on your website. It is critical that you work on building this contact list of emails as you grow your business.
TIP! Consider how your products are helping people, instead of focusing strictly on sales. If you focus on how your product helps people, you will enjoy more success.
Concentrate most of your time on gathering leads. Leads are what bring in the money, after all. No other business tasks are so closely tied to your revenue. The only two actions that are the true moneymakers are finding leads for your business and converting those leads to sales.
TIP! You should always try to invest network marketing towards new clients and not family and friends, as it will bring you new money. Your goal in network marketing is to generate new customers and leads.
When choosing an opportunity in multilevel marketing, review it and understand their compensation plan. Focus on generating higher returns from more than one source of income. Make sure you refer your sale to your sponsors. This is a good because they are helpful, and there is a lot of leverage you can get here.
TIP! Learn about your mistakes so you know the best way to go forward. List the instances in which you failed and do your best to understand why it happened.
MLM is a real business, so treat it like one. If you do not treat it with respect and take it seriously, then you will fail. Multi-level marketing takes some effort, but that effort might pay off by providing you with a full-time salary. Learn all you can prior to getting started and, if necessary, get the training you need.
TIP! A common network marketing tip that everyone knows but still bears mentioning is to set goals for yourself. If your goals are manageable, you can make measured progress in any variety of marketing strategies.
Consider outsourcing your network marketing. You might not be equipped with adequate resources or manpower to engage in this kind of advertising. This will also free up your valuable time, so that you can concentrate on other business matters.
TIP! Do your best to get members of your down line involved in your network. Might they be shy? Are they having some issues? Try to encourage them to seek you out with any concerns or questions they may have, and to interact with others from the network on a regular basis.
Many think that quantity will result in more sales in MLM; however, it has been proven that quality beats quantity every time. You need dedicated workers who can create the down-lines that will feed profits to you both.
Multilevel marketing should be seen as a battle to sign up more people. Instead, think of how the work you do could help people, and work from there.
TIP! Choose a network marketing enterprise that has products of interest to you. Your enthusiasm and support of the products will be contagious, and customers will be much more likely to share your interests.
A great tool to use in network marketing is neural-linguistic programming. Alternatively, a statement that uses “you” places your listeners directly into the idea you are conveying to them making it easier to get their agreement. ”
TIP! To become a leader in network marketing, it is imperative to demonstrate a desire to lead others to success. Once you reach this point, you will begin to notice an increase in profits.
Video marketing can be used to increase Internet traffic towards your multilevel marketing websites. Video is interesting to people, and you can include all the content you need for a lower cost than might think.
TIP! Create a blog, as well as a website to keep your audience updated regularly. This will remind people about your business and keep them interested.
Don’t let your business become all-consuming. Always make time to maintain your family relationships and other friendships. When you first start your business, you might have to devote more time to it, but as your business grows, your schedule should become more flexible so that you can balance your work-family time.
TIP! Places a high value on creating and adhering to a regular monthly budget. You need to know how much of your income to reinvest into the business to maintain positive cash flow.
When deciding to invest in a particular multilevel marketing business, you should make an inquiry at your state’s Better Business Bureau. While many companies are effective and credible, the risk of fraud is present. It would not be the best start to your investment to find out you were a victim of fraud before you even got off the ground. The BBB is the place to check if you want to know if a business you’re about to get involved with is legitimate.
TIP! In network marketing you send your employees to meet and link up with other businesses as new partners. By creating a strong team of marketers, you can make your company better simply through word of mouth advertising.
Visualize success in order to succeed with MLM. This might sound like very general advice, but this is actually the starting point of a good campaign. Visualization can be an excellent tool for any marketer.
TIP! Make sure you have a sound and thorough plan for your network marketing business. However, leave enough wiggle room for setbacks and unforeseen events, such as accidents or missed deadlines.
As you have learned here, MLM is really a combination of good sense, sound principles and knowing how to put them into practice in a sound way. Your business profits can soar when you know the proper ways to use network marketing. By using this advice, you will be able to get your message across.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Great tips by Robin sharma

62 Tips to Get Unstuck in 2013

I’m amped to do everything in my power to help you kickstart 2013 strong so you install superb habits of the mind, body and behavior.
Today is all about 62 quick, actionable and unforgettable tips that will move you to break free of old patterns, stop being the victim and leap into high gear to get your giant goals done.
62 Fast Tips to Get UnStuck
By Robin Sharma
Author of the #1 Bestseller “The Leader Who Had No Title”
  1. Believe in your vision and gifts when no one else believes in your vision and gifts.
  2. Start your day with 20 minutes of exercise.
  3. Make excellence your way of being (versus a once in a while event).
  4. Be on time (bonus points: be early).
  5. Be a celebrator of other’s talents versus a critic.
  6. Stop watching TV. (Bonus points: sell your tv and invest the cash in learning and self-education).
  7. Finish what you start.
  8. Remember that your diet affects your moods so eat like an athlete.
  9. Spend an hour a day without stimulation (no phone+no FaceBook+no noise).
  10. Release the energy vampires from your life. They are destroying your performance.
  11. Write in a journal every morning. And record gratitude every night.
  12. Do work that scares you (if you’re not uncomfortable often, you’re not growing very much).
  13. Make the choice to let go of your past. It’s dusty history. And polluting your future.
  14. Commit to being “Mozart-Level Good” at your work.
  15. Smile more (and tell your face).
  16. Do a collage filled with images of your ideal life. Look at it once a day for focus and inspiration.
  17. Plan your week on a schedule (clarity is the DNA of mastery).
  18. Stop gossiping (average people love gossip; exceptional people adore ideas).
  19. Read “As You Think”.
  20. Read “The Go-Getter”.
  21. Don’t just parent your kids–develop them.
  22. Remember that victims are frightened by change. And leaders grow inspired by it.
  23. Start taking daily supplements to stay in peak health.
  24. Clean out any form of “victimspeak” in your vocabulary and start running the language of leadership and possibility.
  25. Do a nature walk at least once a week. It’s renew you (you can’t inspire others if you’re depleted yourself).
  26. Take on projects no one else will take on. Set goals no one else will do.
  27. Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable at least once every 7 days.
  28. Say “sorry” when you know you should say “sorry”.
  29. Say “please” and “thank you” a lot.
  30. Remember that to double your income, triple your investment in learning, coaching and self-education.
  31. Dream big but start now.
  32. Achieve 5 little goals each day (“The Daily 5 Concept” I shared in “The Leader Who Had No Title” that has transformed the lives of so many). In 12 months this habit will produce 1850 little goals–which will amount to a massive transformation.
  33. Write handwritten thank you notes to your customers, teammates and family members.
  34. Be slow to criticize and fast to praise.
  35. Read Walter Isaacson’s amazing biography on Steve Jobs.
  36. Give your customers 10X the value they pay for (“The 10X Value Obsession”).
  37. Use the first 90 minutes of your work day only on value-creating activities (versus checking email or surfing the Net).
  38. Breathe.
  39. Keep your promises.
  40. Remember that ordinary people talk about their goals. Leaders get them done. With speed.
  41. Watch the inspirational documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”.
  42. Know that a problem only becomes a problem when you choose to see it as a problem.
  43. Brain tattoo the fact that all work is a chance to change the world.
  44. Watch the amazing movie “The Intouchables”.
  45. Remember that every person you meet has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and a dream to do.
  46. Risk being rejected. All of the great ones do.
  47. Spend more time in art galleries. Art inspires, stimulates creativity and pushes boundaries.
  48. Read a book a week, invest in a course every month and attend a workshop every quarter.
  49. Remember that you empower what you complain about.
  50. Get to know yourself. The main reason we procrastinate on our goals is not because of external conditions; we procrastinate due to our internal beliefs. And the thing is they are stuck so deep that we don’t even know they exist. But once you do, everything changes.
  51. Read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.
  52. Know your values. And then have the guts to live them–no matter what the crowd thinks and how the herd lives.
  53. Become the fittest person you know.
  54. Become the strongest person you know.
  55. Become the kindest person you know.
  56. Know your “Big 5″–the 5 goals you absolutely must achieve by December 31 to make this year your best yet (I teach my entire goal-achieving process, my advanced techniques on unleashing confidence and how to go from being stuck to living a life you adore in my online program “Your Absolute Best Year Yet”).
  57. Know that potential unexpressed turns to pain.
  58. Build a strong family foundation while you grow your ideal career.
  59. Stop being selfish.
  60. Give your life to a project bigger than yourself.
  61. Be thankful for your talents.
  62. Stand for iconic. Go for legendary. And make history.
This is YOUR time. Now’s YOUR moment. Let’s do this! :)
Your fan,