Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

secrets of success

"Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe."

St. Augustine

Your Success KEY for Today!

Simplicity and Duplicity in Network Marketing

Ask some of the more successful Network Marketers and they will tell you that the key factor in Network Marketing is simplicity.

Network Marketing is a very simple business. But keeping it simple does not mean that hard work is not involved. One of the common mistakes is that people try to make it complicated.

Even if a complex system achieved great results for you, others will find it difficult to copy. In Network Marketing, personal success is not your greatest asset.

Your greatest asset is having a system that guarantees the success of everyone using it. The success of others, and your success, is dependent upon their ability to do the same things you do. Keep the least experienced of those in your network in mind when you set up a system of doing things for your organization to follow.

Everything you do must be simple enough so that everyone can quickly duplicate your efforts and achieve the same phenomenal results as you.

In Network Marketing, you should not do things that require special skills and resources which are available only to you or to a limited number of people. Open up your business to a much larger pool of people who can become successful.  You need to build your network as quickly as possible. You can only meet with a few people each day and can personally close even fewer sales.

But using an Network Marketing strategy, you can help others quickly learn to do the same simple things as you. When they do, they multiply your efforts.

Go for the same phenomenal results. This is quality duplication. Each person on your Team, from top to bottom, must be able to exactly duplicate what you are doing and be able to teach others to do exactly the same thing. How large a sales team you can build depends on how well it is duplicated.

To ensure duplication, you need a system or processes that anybody and everybody can follow and teach. You cannot duplicate a person but you can duplicate a system.

In building a successful and long-term network, the Network Marketing system must rule. Remember a system is only as good as it is duplicated.

The more complex a system, the less likely quality duplication will be achieved. To make sure you duplicate well, follow the System you are provided with religiously. There is no perfect system and your time is better spent perfecting your ability to duplicate it rather than perfecting a system.

Take this example:  Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s cannot be duplicated but the McDonald’s franchise system can be and is, to almost 100% perfection in 18,000 outlets worldwide.

Keeping it simple. To ensure you do things that your distributor can learn from and duplicate.

Is what I am doing easily duplicatable?
Is it simple enough to be duplicated? Keep asking yourself this same questions and if you answer “yes” at least 75 % of the time, you are on the right track.

The successful people in the Network Marketing Industry understand that everything must be kept simple in order to grow your business. Show others how simple it is to do what you do. They need to see you do it, and then believe it is simple enough for them to quickly duplicate to achieve the same good results in your business.

If YOU want to see how I successfully duplicate my team growth and generate the results that are possible in this industry, then contact me below in whatever choice YOU prefer.  Stop Procrastinating! Do it NOW!

To Your Success Today,



Boosting Productivity

Getting the most out of your day can be difficult with a busy schedule, but you can use these tips to help you maximize your time in order to be better available to employees.

44. Get the most out of meetings. Be organized and prepared for meetings to increase effectiveness and time savings.
45. Focus your energy on things that matter. Don't let trivial tasks take time away from things that are really important.
46. Identify your time-stealers. Everyone has little things that detract their attention and make them lose focus. Figure out what these are and work to eliminate them, if only for a few hours a day.
47. Be punctual. Being on time is a big deal. Never keep people waiting for appointments or meetings if you can help it.
48. Respond to your correspondence within a reasonable amount of time. You don't have to bechained to your inbox, but make sure you respond to emails within a few hours whenever possible.
49. Do only what is necessary. There are times when going above and beyond works, but doing so on a daily basis can derail your progress on more important issues. Get the key things done first, then see if you have time for additional things.
50. Stick to schedules and routines. While they may not be the most exciting things, schedules and routines can help streamline and improve your productivity.
51. Organize and manage your schedule. Use any tools and utilities you have at your disposal to prioritize your day and keep track of what you need to get done.
52. Plan more than you think you can do. While this may sound stressful, it can actually be a great motivator. If you manage to get everything done, you'll enjoy a great sense of achievement.
53. Get to work early on occasion. Sometimes an uninterrupted half hour in an unoccupied office can help you get key things done or allow you to plan your day before there are any distractions to slow you down.
54. Know that sometimes stress is good. While too much of anything, especially stress, can be bad, sometimes a little stress can be the motivation to get you moving, allowing you to get more done.
55. Do your least favorite tasks first. Get your most tedious and least desirable tasks out of the way earlier in the day. After that, everything else will be a breeze.

